Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ABWA: Social Media Sales Strategies by Jeffrey Plucker

Jeff Plucker was the featured speaker at the Crabapple Chapter of the American Business Women's Association meeting on April 19th at Sugo's Restaurant in Roswell, Georgia.   Jeff is an Internet Marketing Consultant at ProspectMX.  His discussion on "Social Media Sales Strategies" was informative covering spiders, conversion forms, search engine optimization, pay per click marketing, media buying, affiliate marketing, social media platforms, link building, and reputation management.     For more great tips check out:

ABWA:   Pam Santoro, Cheryl Campbell, Jeff Plucker, & Terri Leidich
"The Sport of Selling" by Jeff Plucker
Social Media Sales Strategies
  Besides being  a social media and marketing guru, Jeff is a published author of “ The Sport of Selling”.  Terri Ann Leidich,  President of Boutique of Quality Books,   (Jeff’s publisher) and Cheryl L.  Campbell, author of “Darling, The Curly Tailed Reindoe” also attended this special meeting.  

Jeff Plucker "Social Media Sales Stategies"
ABWA meeting attendees:   Celia Dutcher, Frances Browning, Jeff Plucker, Donna Geisinger

Jeff Plucker "Social Media Sales Stategies"
ABWA meeting attendees: Celia Dutcher, Frances Browning, Jeff Plucker, Donna Geisinger

Jeff Plucker "Social Media Sales Stategies" ABWA meeting attendees: Celia Dutcher, Frances Browning, Jeff Plucker, Donna Geisinger

Terri Leidich & Jeff Plucker (author of "The Sport of Selling")

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