Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Life of a Real Estate Agent: A Sneak Peak on What Happens Behind-the-Scenes

Do you have any ideas how hard your real estate agent is working for you? Well, for every hour your agent spends with you, he or she is working an average of nine hours just to make sure the sale comes through. After all, they don't get paid a single dime until they seal the deal.
So, what do agents do to earn their commission? Here are some of the things that keep them busy all day long.

They research potential properties online.

The best real estate agents spend considerable time (about two hours or more per day) shopping for potential properties online. They also check their multiple listing service database on a regular basis so they don't miss anything out. They know that finding the perfect match may take some time so they don't give up easily.

They actively prospect for new business. 

The most successful realtors drive around town to check new listings. After all, there's nothing better than previewing and sizing up properties. They also take the time to seek out potential customers by calling past clients and absentee owners, and checking expired listings. 

They provide marketing services.

The best agents prepare effective marketing materials (fliers, virtual tours; magazine, newspaper and online ads, etc.) using their own money to increase their chances of making a sale.

They network with other agents.

Agents spend a lot of time with each other swapping listing information. Aside from helping them find a property that matches their buyers' preferences, these pitching sessions also allow them to reach out to fellow agents who have qualified buyers.

They will make sure the sale goes smoothly.

Your agent will help you navigate through the entire transaction process. They will give you all the information you need and advise you on certain issues but will never make the final decision for you. However, there will be times when they will try to shield you from the occasional drama that may result when buyers or sellers get difficult. They may even act as your therapist and keep you calm when the pressure's on.

For more valuable tips on selling or buying a home, please visit my site at http://www.pamsantoro.bhhsgeorgia.com/. You can also contact me at 678-656-6627 if you have any questions about local market conditions, financing or anything that can help you with in your search for real estate. Remember, no one sells a home like a Mom!

Photo courtesy of renjith krishnan at freedigitalphotos.net

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