Monday, March 7, 2011

GNFCC Business Expo 03-04-11

Brandon Beach & GNFCC Business Expo Ribbon Cutting

Jan & Bob Kashey

Karen McRaed & Pam Santoro
Pam Santoro & Steve Slaughter

Steve Slaughter of Great Knight Tours & Pam Santoro

Pam Santoro & Judy Harper
Cathy Herbert & Pam Santoro
Korey Jones, Terry Klime & Kathy Herbert
The Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce put on a wonderful Business Expo 2001 on March 4th at the Alpharetta Marriott.   Six North Fulton cities:   Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Milton, Mountain Park, Roswell and Sandy Springs plus the Progress Partners of North Fulton Atlanta joined together with the GNFCC to produce a spectacular event with lots of exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and good food.   After parking in one of the designated parking lots, we were shuttled by trolleys from the Great Knight Tours to the Marriott entrance.   Brandon Beach orchestrated the ribbon cutting event for this year’s Business Expo then the real fun began.   We walked around and talked to physicians, bankers, advertisers, restaurants, realtors, golf clubs, physical therapists, chiropractors, web designers, mobile phone companies, cable companies, and colleges to name a few.   Harry Norman Realtors was well represented at this great event:   I volunteered as an ambassador on the trolley plus worked as an entrance greeter with Judy Harper and Cathy Herbert; Jan Kashey, Bob Kashey and Karen McRae could be found at the Harry Norman Realtors Exhibit.    At the end of the day, everyone celebrated at the Business After Hours event.

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